ProLaw Server Designs from Small to Large Business
More mad scientist drawings and videos! I've had a few smaller clients running monolithic server designs, and I wanted to give some...

Clean Up Your Active Professionals. Even the professionals with "I can't mark this profess
Your maintenance fees every year are based on your active professionals. If you have a lot of professionals active, but no longer with...

New ProLaw Podcast - Custom Dockets, Matter & Docket Cleanup, & Professional Setup for Trans
Second podcast released today! Here are the topics I covered in today's podcast. Topics Covered Matter & Docket Clean Up Closed is...

ProLaw Podcast Launch - Episode 0, ProLaw Conference 2019
Many thanks to Henry Sack for the idea to start a podcast about ProLaw. I love to talk, and I love ProLaw, so it's a good fit! In this...