Matters Waiting Closeout - No Attorney Time
I love helping accounting folks and billing reviewers too. This was a recent request from one of my favorite firms. Can we flag all the...
Adding "code" to SSRS Reports, I finally get it....
I finally figured out how and when to use the code portion of SSRS reports. Basically, we need to write code when there is not a default...
XML Path Function Delimiters for ProLaw Data in Cascades
One of my favorite methods of extracting cascade information from ProLaw is using the XML PATH() function in SQL. The XML Path function...
Adding Assigned Professional Name to Event Reports
One of the first things I roll out with any new client using ProLaw Docketing is Daily Task Reports, and Past Due Task reports. One of...
ProLaw Events Report without Duplicates
If you are frustrated with duplicate events under events reporting, contact us for custom data sets and reports that have removed this...